prof. dr.


prof. dr.


Podczas Kujawsko-Pomorskiego Forum Innowacji, Nauki, Biznesu i Samorządu wystąpi w ramach:

Use of liquid and volatile biopsy in individualized molecular diagnosis and monitoring of lung cancer patients
2023-11-06, 11:30 – 12:00

Prof. Tuncay Göksel obtained his medical degree from Ege University Faculty of Medicine in 1989. He underwent specialized training in Chest Diseases at Ege University and was appointed as an assistant professor in 2000, promoted to an associate professor in 2003 and subsequently a professor in 2009. Between 2018-2021, he held the position of Chief Physician at Ege University Hospital and has also chaired the Turkish Thoracic Society and Thoracic Oncology Working Group for two terms. He continues to coordinate the EgeSAM and Artificial Intelligence in Health Research Group. His primary areas of interest are interdisciplinary translational studies for diagnosing and treating lung cancer. He has participated as a primary or co-investigator in numerous international drug development researches, as well as Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and Universities Scientific research projects.